Hashtags are like candy to social media
A common question pertaining to social media is, what are hashtags? Hashtags have become the latest part of any twitter post, Facebook post, or Instagram post. These tags were originally part of twitter so that it could gain a unique type of attention compared to Facebook. The # symbol is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was originally created by twitter to help categorize Tweets and within a matter of a year the symbol was everywhere, and is added to Facebook posts like candy.
The uses for hashtags can vary depending on what they use. A lot like the type of candy a person choses to eat. I like to call it a unique part of social media. The key uses of hashtags are to be placed in front of important or relevant words to form an easier time to find tweets in the twitter search engine. When a person clicks on a hashtag word in any message it will reveal other tweets that used that hashtag word. They can be found in any part of a tweet from the beginning, middle , or end of a tweet. Words that commonly are hashtagged are likely a trending topic.
Why are these hashtags important?
If you use a hashtag properly anyone in the public vicinity of twitter will see that tweet. Never spam hashtags in a single tweet. It will look terrible, and won’t help your chances of getting seen in the spam of social media. Hashtags simplify the use of searching, compel an action for a reader, and are now used on many different platforms. Also, the use of hashtags has entered into our general vocabulary, and can promote a service or business as well. It’s a powerful tool when it comes researching trends as well because it adds a category to what you are looking up.
Why are they Unique compared to other forms of categorizing?
Hashtags serve a particular service. They can act to allow businesses knowledge of what is trending in the world. Unlike posts that are liked, or shared hashtags give an instantaneous result. They lead you to gold as to what people are reading, or following the most. Hashtags place pertinent information into the center of your finger tips. The best part about these little tools are that they are easy to use, and can be used on Facebook, or Instagram as well. Not only are they unique but they help with finding the latest breaking news, and promoting events. But there is a way to track your hashtags , and where they lead. You can track your tags by looking on several websites which track what keywords or phrases led to inbound traffic on your social media. Information like that can be very nifty in targeting audiences, or customers.
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